For example, this picture portrays 2 monks, a king, a queen and their servants.

They are having a feast and aren't looking very happy. They are eating a variety of items and the table appears to be in 2D just to show the items on it. This is one certain image from many others. The document and it's pictures show the daily life in the middle ages it also shows bible stories and includes a calendar. At the time, the monks and kings did not see eye to eye on who holds the seat of what power.
The Luttrell Psalter is a primary source document. This means that it is a picture or a document written from the time period itself. In this case the time period would've been between the 5th century and 15 century. This is a valuable document because some paintings might not survive and this shows the living of a period in history. We get details about the clothes, animals, professions and many other details from these elaborate paintings.
This document is unique because it was done hundreds or thousands of years ago. This would be priceless to a historian as they can find out facts about the time period it was written. This is also valuable it shows the feelings and expressions of the people at the time. It is valuable as it captures moments of time that it was created in and we can find out about the daily living of a person from the Middle Ages.