Thursday, December 9, 2010


We visited 3 religious places for three different religions. The religions in the area are Hinduism, Islam, and Chinese. These different religions have a some similar practices and other different ones. All three of them have a place to sit and interact, bringing the community together. The main space in all of these houses of worship is alloted for praying.  They are different in some ways as in having different gods and some different practices. For e.g. in the mosque, only Muslims are allowed inside the prayer halls. In the Hindu Temple people have to wear the "sacred ash" on the forehead when offered by the priest. In the Chinese Temple believers use incense sticks while asking their Gods to grant their wishes.   

Chinese Temple
This is the top of the Hindu Temple
This is Masjid Jamek 

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I chose these two photos as opposites because one is white and withered and the other is green and fresh. It also says that one is alive and the other is dead. One is lush and the other is dry.

I chose these two photos because one shows an artificial view and the other show a natural skyline. It also shows nature in its disturbed and untouched states.